Total Fire Bans and WA Fire Response Services
As Summer approaches, it’s crucial to understand and adhere to Total Fire Bans (TFBs) in Western Australia to prevent...
Get more infoMaking Evacuation Plans Inclusive for Employees with Mobility Challenges
Despite laws against discrimination and updated building codes, many workplaces still don’t consider the needs of people...
Get more infoOur Advice on Dealing with a Bomb Threat
Instances of violence or potential damage, such as bomb threats, demand unwavering attention to secure a safe resolution. When...
Get more infoEl Niño and the Heightened Risk of Bushfires in Western Australia
El Niño, a climatic phenomenon characterised by the warming of the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, has...
Get more infoIgnite Your Team’s Knowledge: Learn From Our Comprehensive Fire Extinguisher Training
Do you want to make sure your employees are prepared should a fire break out in your workplace? Improve safety and equip your...
Get more infoFire Warden Training Course: Unleash Your Inner Hero and Save Lives Today!
Are you looking to become a hero and make a positive difference within your workplace? A Fire Warden training course could be...
Get more infoThe Hidden Dangers of Ignoring Safety Training in the Workplace
As a business owner, it is essential to ensure that you have the proper measures and procedures in place to protect your staff...
Get more infoKeeping Your Workplace Safe with Fire Training
Fires can happen at any time and place, and they can cause significant damage to both people and property. That is why it is...
Get more infoThe importance of a building evacuation drill
As a business owner, you know how important it is to be prepared for emergencies. Part of being prepared is having a plan in...
Get more infoWe Offer Fire Extinguisher Training Near You
Our fire extinguisher training near you is designed to inform, prepare and also engage your staff. Employees of your company...
Get more infoThe importance of EWIS Panels
In the event of an emergency, the EWIS panel works in conjunction with a Fire Indicator Panel, and can be used to easily...
Get more infoRCDs and Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarm batteries must be replaced every year on April 1. Only working smoke alarms save lives and provide early warnings...
Get more infoFalse Alarms Are Expensive and Can Be Avoided
If you didn’t hear about the false alarm at the MCG in the middle of a footy match, here’s a quick rundown of what...
Get more infoDisaster Preparedness and the Importance of Emergency Skills
Make it a project to assemble the skills and tools you need to enhance your disaster preparedness. WA Fire can help you.
Get more infoBasic Fire Protection
House fires are preventable if precautions are taken. Check out these points about basic fire protection.
Get more infoChanges to Bushfire Warnings
As of 14/09/2021, WA experienced changes to bushfire warnings. Read this post for more info on the new warning colours!
Get more infoThe Benefits of Hiring Fire Protection Consultants
Hiring fire protection consultants saves lives, properties and the environment. Read more to learn more about the many...
Get more infoFire Safety in the Workplace
For additional information about fire safety in the workplace, contact us today!
Get more infoHome Fire Safety Starts With You
Home fire safety starts with you! Here are 10 tips for protecting your family, household and valuables from fire.
Get more infoTypes of Kitchen Fires
In today’s world, time is more precious than ever. As a result, it is commonplace for people to rush around the kitchen...
Get more infoFire Equipment Training: The Tools and Techniques
In this article, we discuss fire equipment training and techniques.
Get more infoChristmas Fire Safety Tips
Check out this list of fire safety tips you can use during the holiday season.
Get more infoWorkplace Fire Safety – Our 7 Actionable Tips
Check out this list of safety best practices and 7 actionable tips. Make sure your workplace is up to scratch!
Get more infoWhat is a Total Fire Ban?
A TFB is declared when fires may threaten lives and property. Extreme fire danger and limited emergency resources can trigger...
Get more infoHow we create an Emergency Plan in 5 steps
Are you doing the right thing by your staff? It’s crucial they are familiar with workplace emergency procedures. Check...
Get more infoTaking the Correct Steps
Our professional team have your best interests at heart and are taking the correct steps to protect your business as WA...
Get more infoWhy do we need fire safety training?
Fire training prepares your employees to act quickly and safely in an emergency. We provide the most comprehensive fire safety...
Get more infoEarthquake Safety Tips
A 5.6 magnitude earthquake rocked South West WA on Sunday September 16, 2018. Here are some fire and earthquake safety...
Get more infoWinter Fire Safety
Did you know there were 199 house fires during winter in Perth last year? Here are some winter fire safety tips for you.
Get more infoFire Extinguisher Types
Let our expert team guide you on fire extinguisher types and colour codes to use in an emergency situation.
Get more infoDo You Have an Emergency Plan?
Our team can help your business with the preparation of a legislation compliant emergency plan documents.
Get more infoThe Importance of a Fire Indicator Panel
A safe workplace is focused on injury prevention and is also equipped with standards compliant fire detection systems.
Get more infoHow Do I Become a Fire Warden?
Are you eyeing off a Fire Warden role? Read our tips about key responsibilities and Fire Warden training course content.
Get more infoFire Extinguisher Training
Our expert team provide comprehensive fire extinguisher training for your business fire wardens and staff.
Get more infoFire Emergency Services
WA Fire Training, Services & Equipment are emergency fire response experts, and provide standby fire emergency...
Get more infoFire Safety Procedures in Aged Care
Meaningful, relevant and enjoyable aged care fire safety training Our aged care fire safety training packages are receiving...
Get more infoLaughter is the Best Medicine
Fire Training, Services & Equipment WA attended the Giggle Ball in support of camp quality and children with cancer.
Get more infoMovember Mouth Merkins
Support Gareth and the Fremantle Fire Station D platoon crew in their aim to raise awareness of men’s health.
Get more infoGareth Awarded DUX
Gareth awarded DUX and Station Officer rank upon graduating Certificate IV Emergency Management – Fire Fighting.
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