Top 3 Advantages of Hiring Fire Protection Consultants
The number one rule in staying alive is this: SAFETY FIRST! Our fire protection consultants have your best interests at heart.
Whether you are at home or in your workplace, being safe must always be your top priority. For this reason, it’s crucial to get expert advice from fire protection consultants on how to avoid incidents of fire and save lives and properties.
Keeping your staff abreast of the latest fire and other safety-related skills is essential, not only because it’s mandated by law, but it’s your obligation to keep them safe. WA Fire provides fire protection consultancy services to help you and your business achieve the following:
1. Peace of mind. There is no greater benefit than having peace of mind. Knowing that your business complies with existing laws, and doing your duty as a responsible employer. When you put the welfare of your staff first and have all safety measures in place, you will worry less and as a result, be more productive.
2. Prevent fire. The primary reason you need the service of a fire protection consultant is to avoid fire in your building. While a highly-trained emergency fire response team can be on call at events to put out fires if they occur, a consultant will recommend an approach to preventing fire incidents all together.
Plus, promoting safety in the workplace boosts your reputation as a great employer. This can help attract amazing talent to join your company, and clients to do business with.
3. Save money. When a fire happens, it engulfs not just the physical building (whole or a portion of it) but can also cost you money. Depending on the severity of the damage, a fire may negatively impact your financial status.
Hiring the service of an emergency management team can save you thousands by preventing damage to life, property, and your bottom line. If you think that fire protection consultants are expensive, that’s not always the case. As a workplace emergency solution provider, WA Fire offer packages at an affordable rate.
What Will a Fire Protection Consultant Do?
Once hired, a fire protection consultant will do the following:
Inspect the building
An inspection identifies hazards that can potentially cause fire in the future. An inspection helps ensure that your company is updated with safety standards and no fire triggers exist.
Monitor safety equipment and fire alarms
Fire inspectors ensure that fire extinguishers are filled, fire alarms and smoke detectors are working, and fire exits are noticeable and free from obstructions.
Train your staff
WA Fire protection consultants are adept in conducting initial and refresher courses on workplace emergency response procedures. We can also help your company organise fire drills so that your staff will know how to respond properly in case of an emergency.
Contact our expert team today
Talk to our fire safety experts, we are here for you.